Rooster that doesn't crow


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 22, 2014
Jarrettsville MD
Is there such a thing as a non crowing rooster. Out of all 11 of my hens she/he (Blackie) is the biggest chicken I have they are all 21 week's old I got my first egg yesterday.
He has never ever crowed once since I've had her. This morning I let them all out
And blackie mounted a hand first time I seen her/him do this.
Or maybe she's a hen taking over the male roll I don't know.
I will have to post a picture.
Thanks in Advance for any knowledge I get.
Yes, it is possible for a rooster to never crow. Usually it is because they don't think they are dominant enough, or they simply don't feel like it. However, it is more likely that your possible rooster is just a slow maturer, and will crow if given time.

Some hens will mount just like roosters in order to establish dominance, but this isn't very common. A photo of your "non-crowing" rooster would help be sure of its gender.




Hope these help
The photos show me that your chicken is definitely a rooster. However, judging by the development of his comb/wattles, he doesn't appear very sexually mature yet. That would explain why he isn't crowing.

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