Rooster to hen ratio


7 Years
Apr 1, 2012
I was just wondering what a good rooster to hen ratio is. I want to start selling hatching eggs locally and I just would like to know how many hens I should have per rooster. Thanks!
I was just wondering what a good rooster to hen ratio is. I want to start selling hatching eggs locally and I just would like to know how many hens I should have per rooster. Thanks!

For fertile eggs, the recommended max is 10-12 hens per rooster. That ratio depends on the fertility of the rooster and breed, of course, as some can fertilize more hens and some less. Good luck with your aspirations......Pop
Are you going to be breeding one breed or multiple breeds? That would make a difference. I am culling my rooster population down to my three favorite roosters over 13 hens. I could probably work it down to two.... I have just one breed of chicken, but three different color varieties, and I want a rooster of each! Good luck, and have fun!
I am thinking that I'd like to do a couple different breeds. I plan one keeping the breeds seperate from each other.
It depends on the rooster, some are good with only a few hens, some want 10 or 12. My flock free-ranges so they have a lot of space to stay away from each other, I have about 5 roosters and maybe 10-15 hens right now.
I have two flocks consisting of 16 hens & one roo in one coop & 10 hens in another coop. I free range them all together. Believe it or not I'm hatching right now & have moved 40 chicks from my bator to the brooder. So guess I'd have to say my one roo is doing a good job on fertlizing the eggs. I originally put 48 eggs in the bator.
At the moment have my main flock roo and his brother and 3 banty roo for 5 reg size hens and 5 banty hens and I have 23 10 week old girls and maybe 2 10 week old roos. I've re-home 4 roos(the joys of straight run chicks) which has really helped a lot the big girls are actually starting to get their feather back and are more laid back and are laying better
Asking a question for a family member... is it alright to have 2 hens and 1 rooster? That's what they ended up with and can't keep any more than 3. Will those 2 hens get too stressed or will they be ok? I wasn't sure because I have 12 hens and only 1 rooster right now.

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