Rooster trouble

So my once problem Roo has now almost vanished. Any suggestions?

Quit searching and praise Jesus.
Attacks on three separate people is not a rooster to keep around.
I'm so curious what made you keep him this long. What makes a rooster worth keeping when family is risking injuries maybe serious injuries any time they get around him?
Well judging by the feathers near the coop I believe something got him. He just started out of no where attacking. Something got three of our ducks a month ago. When he started acting like this. And a week ago they were all out of their coop running the yard when they always go in before it hits dark. One of my hens combs was bleeding. I thought maybe another hen got her. Well the more I sit to think about it. Maybe he was warning me in a way. And with a cracked beak......
Next question is my little rooster that I also have is a about two months behind and the hens always beat him up. Will he step up and protect them now that he is the only one?
He's younger, and learning valuable lessons in polite behavior. Is he actually being injured, or just learning avoidance? If injuries are happening, separate him in view of the flock for a while. He needs to grow up!!! Cockerels can't protect much of anything, and adult cock birds are more about keeping watch and alerting for danger, than getting in there swinging. I value my roosters (only polite ones!!!) but realize that they aren't going to win against 95% of serious predators out there. Mary
Next question is my little rooster that I also have is a about two months behind and the hens always beat him up. Will he step up and protect them now that he is the only one?

Yes, most likely when he gets about 4-6 months old he will be protective. With the other rooster around, he was the subordinate and the hens know it.

I have a friend who had a similar experience losing a roo to a predator and the younger roo stepped up. Hens maybe haven't yet figured out their fearless leader isn't coming back and will accept him as top roo once as he matures. His drive to breed will cause him to assert himself.

I'm no expert on chicken psychology but haven't yet heard of a mature roo that the hens pick on if he's the only one in the flock.
He is about 4 months old. And Roo was about 6months old. He isn't being attacked. But if they peck at him he runs away and hides. I'm truly hoping he steps up now. My chickens usually free range during the day. But now I don't even want to let them out of their coop
Most likely got eaten hate to say. If you need another roo stop by I'll give you all the roosters you want free.

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