Rooster unthrifty with lice and mites


8 Years
Jun 11, 2011
Stockholm, Sweden
I spot check my chickens to see if they are showing signs of pests. The huge mistake I made was that I did not check each and everyone each time. I assumed if one had it, they all did. Anyways, while doing a routine deworming, I knoticed that one of my roosters was horribly thin. After checking him over, I found huge egg sacks on his feathers, and he was just totally infested. The next day he would not stand anymore.

I have submerged his body in water to drown the pest, twice. I mixed ash with corn powder and sand to dust him, and I have used and herbal flea spray that is used on dogs and cats.

I live in Sweden, so you can't just go to the store and get flea powder. If it is considered a poison, you have to go through a vet. DE is not available here like it is in the US. You can get it in small capsules and it costs loads, I did buy some so I can feed it to my rooster.

At the moment, he will nibble on egg, but he is not drinking. I have tried a water dropper, but he fights it. He can't stand, so I am trying to give him water every hour. Still, he is maybe getting a few drops at most.

Is there something else I should try?

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