rooster what kind to get?

LF (Standard size) or Bantam? Buff Orpington roosters are very nice and do well in cold climates. A rooster with a Peacomb like Brahmas are also well behaved or mine are and they do real good in cold weather. Both of these come in LF or Bantam..

LF means Large Fowl
Standard size is what I would like. I live in the Inland Northwest and winters can be quite cold. What are the Golden Laced Wyandotte, Barred Rock or Australorps like?
I will not purchase until spring, along with pullets chicks, so I have some time to figure this out. Friendly is major and a good protector for the girls.
My first Roo was an Australorp. He was the best protector of our flock. I loved everything about him until he turned about five months old.... then he became very aggressive to our children. We had to rehome him to a lady with no kids who needed a Roo to take care of her flock.

Right now I have a Gold-laced Wyandotte Roo but he's only four months old so I have no idea what he will be like once he matures. He's certainly beautiful.

Some breeds seem to be less aggressive toward people than other breeds (Brahmas and Orpingtons) but any Roo can be nice or aggressive depending on their personality. And that doesn't become apparent until they mature.
And I think Barred Rocks are the sweetest ones you could have-goes to show individual differences. I have three BR roosters at the moment, all sons of my main flock roo, now deceased. They are extremely sweet, non-aggressive, and even friendly. That breed is my favorite rooster breed. I also have a Blue Orpington rooster who is a good boy.
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heeler dog I live in Ga and have a 9 week old Buff Orpington Roo that I need to find a GOOD home for. He is very tame. Sits in my lap, comes when called and loves to be petted. The hatchery I ordered from sent 2 extra roo's in addition to the one I ordered. Let me know if you would like him.
I live across the country, inland nw, and am not ready until spring.I hope you find a good home for him.
Thanks to all for the info.

Chirpy please keep me informed about your golden laced roo and how it goes.

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