Rooster with dry skin on ear

Nov 5, 2018
Birmingham UK
Not exactly an emergency but I have noticed my roo has been getting very dry and peeling skin on his ear lobe and the surrounding area recently. I smothered it in vaseline a couple of times and gently removed most of the flake bits but it keeps coming back. It is only on one ear, not the other side. Anyone seen this before? Is it just dry skin cause by the weather getting colder maybe or could he be low on some kind of vitamin or mineral? Is there something I can feed him that could help improve his skin? Thanks
And a few questions:
Do they have wet bedding? (Like if it’s been raining or there’s a lot of poop)

Is there any rotting wood that you can see?

Because if there are any “yes’s” to these questions, your flock could be infected with Aspergillus.
It’s a type of mold that can infect chickens.
And a few questions:
Do they have wet bedding? (Like if it’s been raining or there’s a lot of poop)

Is there any rotting wood that you can see?

Because if there are any “yes’s” to these questions, your flock could be infected with Aspergillus.
It’s a type of mold that can infect chickens.
X2 like @HuffleClaw said slowly and just small amounts of coconut oil would probably work
It may be a mild case of favus, which is fungal. If coconut oil doesn't bring improvement you can use a miconazole ointment on it (monistat or generic).
It just looks like peeling skin to me, and can be common during or after a molt. I would just put some oil or cream on it. They can get dry skin, and if they have injured earlobes or combs, they can peel as they heal.

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