

9 Years
Jul 13, 2010
I bought 12 pullets from Tractor Supply back on 4/10/10 and they were 4 days old at the time of purchase. The guy at the store told me that pullets are verified hens and that the straight run chicks were probably 50/50 hens/roosters. I went with the pullets because I didn't want any roosters. Starting about a week ago, one of my chickens has been making more noise lately in the morning and it seems to be crowing. I have the chickens in a 4x8 coop on wheels that I built in my garage for right now until I finish the outside run and coop. It usually crows in the morning before I open the garage door but then stops after that. After I open the door in the mornings, I feed them if necessary and change their water. Could this be why it crows in the morning? The crowing is also about 1.5hrs after sunrise so that is why I'm stumped as to whether it's a rooster or not. This particular chicken has always looked more developed and older than the others ever since it started getting feathers and now it is acting a little more aggressive than before. At what age should you know whether or not it is a rooster? I would think it would be clearly apparent by now but this is my first time having chickens so I'm still learning. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
I would think that you would know the roosters by that age. I have some that are within days of yours and there is no doubt about who's who. There hasn't been for several weeks. I'm sure there are breeds that develop secondary sex characteristics more slowly than others, but if they came from TSC then they're likely common, hatchery stock. They'd likely be bred to develop and lay pretty early. Little roosters would be practicing mounting hens and trying to assert themselves at this point. At least that has been my experience.

I had a mixed bag on early/late developing roosters. I had two chicks that feathered very slowly. I pegged them both as roosters because of the slow feathering. I was correct on one, but my other rooster turned out to be one of the faster feathering chicks. I went away for a day and came back to a chick that had sprouted a comb and wattles almost instantly.

I have read on here where, on occasion, a dominant hen will take on a more masculine role (e.g. crowing) in the absence of a rooster. I think if you searched for hens crowing you'd get a lot of hits. It seems to be fairly common.
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Buying "Sexed pullets" is no guarantee that you have all pullets unless they are "sex link" chickens. The average is about 90% correct so it is probable that you ended up with at least one roo. Also if you got it out of a bin at TSC (or any feed store) the chicks often get handled by a lot of people who may or may not put them back into the correct bins.

Roosters can and will crow at any time of the day or night. I had one that regularly crowed at 4:30 am!

It depends on the breed how early you can tell pullets from cockerels. I have a bantam cochin roo that was crowing at 4 weeks and was obviously a roo from his looks at 2 weeks and I also have some Ameraucanas that were hatched the end of April that are still keeping me guessing.
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I looked at it again and I understand your confusion. Assuming that it's some type of Red Sexlink, the feathering is all wrong for a rooster. It does look very much like a rooster, but with hen feathers. If it were a true rooster, I'd expect the emergence of hackles (might be there?) and saddles. Also, dark tail feathers with green beetle sheen would be appropriate for a red rooster, not white underpants. It's got a hen's tail. I still say masculine hen. I am very confused, I think your bird is too.
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Thanks for the replys. I was afraid that everyone would say he was going to be a rooster . Is there anything I can do to keep him from crowing? I wouldn't mind keeping him but I can't have him crowing all the time and bothering the neighbors. I live in the city and I'm not sure what the rules are for having chickens in the first place. I have 3.5 acres and live 800ft off the road and probably 500ft from the nearest neighbor. I thought it would be fine for me to have some chickens since I'm far enough from other houses that they won't be bothered, unless I had a rooster. LOL

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