
There is not much you can do to stop a rooster from crowing ~ it is what they do. If you are lucky he will be a quiet one and not crow a lot. If you only have 1 roo he may not crow as much as if you had more ~ they can crow to compete with each other.

You may wish to quietly check into your local ordinances regarding keeping poultry ~ he may be legal to have

You could try insulating the coop or keeping him inside until mid morning. Then there is also rehoming or freezer camp.
Freezer camp? What's that? Another neighbor has had a rooster before but I don't remember for how long, all I know is we could hear it all the time. Hopefully he will be a quiet one. If not I'll have to find a farmer or someone to take him off my hands.
Freezer camp? What's that? Another neighbor has had a rooster before but I don't remember for how long, all I know is we could hear it all the time. Hopefully he will be a quiet one. If not I'll have to find a farmer or someone to take him off my hands.

Freezer camp is another word for putting him in the freezer for a future dinner. I personally don't eat my chickens, but I do rehome them to other people who I'm sure do eat them.
That's what I thought it meant. I don't think I'll be eating him, if anything he will have a new home somewhere else.
I found a video on Youtube that shows exactly what my chicken does, the same sound and the flapping wings.
So, does everyone still think it's a rooster or just a dominant hen? I just reread Mervin's post and it says that my chicken doesn't have the feathers that resemble a rooster. I don't know if I'm relieved yet or not.
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DarkShadow, I had a similar situation when I first got chickens about four yrs. ago. I ordered one roo. I picked up some extra auracana "pullets" thinking I just had to have a few more for eggs. I was quite surprised when one of my "pullets" started crowing. It turned out to be a mean roo who chased me when I let everyone out in the morning. I was too dumb at first and would actually carry a broom down to the coop to deter the fellow when he charged me. Now I laugh at how green I was in letting him be so onery. After spurring my son on the leg, he finally took a nature walk with my husband (only one of them returned!) Hope you can keep your roo. I have about six roos right now (way too many!) Some will be sold in the near future, but in the meantime, we really love to hear the crowing. We are out in the country and have neighbors not too far away. They don't seem to mind when the guys sound off. Even with so many roos, they really don't crow that much. They used to have crowing competitions with the neighbor's roosters. Now she only has one roo who sounds like he has larengitis. My roos win every time!!
So was the roo the one that returned? LOL I just inspected the chicken more closely and saw no signs of rooster tail feathers or spurs. Should signs of spurs and long tail feathers be seen by now? Thank you everyone for all the help.
Don't be relieved, the hackle and sickle feathers are pointy, just not as flowing as they will become. He is rooster feathered and is definitely a cockerel. Sorry. Longer tail feathers and spurs will develop as he matures.

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