Roosting Area???


11 Years
Mar 17, 2008
Sylacauga Alabama
I just built an 8x8 coop and I'm going to get about 8 hens and a rooster...I have a roosting board(2x4) and it is 8 feet long. I have it set 3 feet high and the nest boxes 2 feet high. Will they use the roost instead of the boxes and is the roost long enough? Is that high enough. The boxes and roost are on opposite sides of the coop.

One more question. I was wanting to get 8 different hens.(RIR, Buff and White Orpington, New Hampshire Red, Partridge Rock Bantam, etc. and a Partridge Rock Bantam rooster..all which are pets only) Will they all get along?
The chickens will roost on what ever is higher, so you are safe. I have my roosts set at 3ft, 4ft and 5ft and most ...who ever gets there first, are on the hightest roost. When you get new chickens, you have to introduce them slowly. You have to have them separated, but able to see each other. Section off your coop, or run so they can get to know each other thru the wire. If you just put them together, they will fight. Hope I have helped. Any more questions, feel free to ask.
Chickflick is right as long as the roost is higher than the boxes they will roost there. I did an experiment and put a roost in the corner as well as flat off the wall (like a ladder) and they picked the corner. I'm guessing they feel more secure in the corner. ?????? good luck and just have fun with it.
As long as you get them all together, same age, etc. they will get along. Watch out for that rooster, tho. They get really h orny really fast and go after the girls like crazy.

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