

In the Brooder
13 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Hey guys, i am just getting back into my chicken dreams and will be finishing up my 12' x 20' chicken house. I have the roost supports set, they are sloped at about 45 degrees - 10' down - how many roosting slats will i need to accomadate about 40 buff hens and a couple of roosters. Also, i plan on using 1"x2" X 7' for slats should I turn them where they are 2" wide or 1" wide , if this is to complicated just bear with me.
and Howdy from East Texas it 70 degrees but that is susposed to change by Sunday.
Thanks for any help
imho. First of all I'd use 2x4" boards since you are supporting Orps which are a heavy breed. Then I'd put the 4" side up since they are a large breed and have large feet. Chickens don't like to curl their feet around their roost like wild birds do but prefer a flat surface. With the 4" side up they can flatten their feet and lay down on them thus covering them with their feathers to protect them from the cold. Then I'd allow 1 1/2 feet of roost space per bird with one extra roost so the lowest few on the pecking order can go there and not get pecked to pieces. hth.

teapot smiley
Just think, CM, one of the greatest benefits of hosting this forum is that you learn so much about chickens!!!

Okay guys, I know lot of you surf the McMurry website. Down at the bottom of the pages there is often one of the "Did you know" things that list interesting facts. I just read one that that said "Roosting rails should be 2" wide". Not 4" like some had posted after my original posting asking the question. Anybody got any thoughts on this?

Birdhill, Texas

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