

11 Years
Apr 9, 2008
LaGrange County
My son just picked up his chickens for 4-H. They are called Ross. I can't find anything on them so far. Does anyone know about them? He has to know about this breed for the show. The girl that is in charge didn't even know about them. How is that for a leader.

This is his first time and I don't want him to have a bad experience with it.

I am going to the library today to get some books but would like to know what books to get.
Google is your friend.

Yes, they are a hibrid meat bird developed by a company "Ross" much like Cobb/Vantress, Peterson or others. They are a composite of several breeds which may include, Cornish, White Rock, Barred Rock, New Hampshire (for the rapid feathering gene used to feather sex the chicks at day old) and possibly Rhode Island Red although probably not.
They are engineered to produce large amounts of meat in a short period of time with the highest meat to feed ratio (feed efficiency). These birds will reach a dressed weight of 3.0 lbs in less than 6 weeks from hatching and by 8 weeks may weigh as much as 7 lbs live weight!
Keep plenty of high protein feed (20-22%) and fresh clean water available for them. As the summer heats up you will want to put fans on them to keep them cool and shelter them from direct sunlight.


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