Rotten egg busted mid hatch


Free Ranging
Jul 6, 2021
SE Pennsylvania
I had a dead chick that the egg exploded mid hatch, looks like I may have lost a pipped egg, another egg pipped,.I can still hear scratching. I cleaned up the incubator as fast as I could, but it still stinks. Will it hurt the chicks trying to hatch?
It's a pity you didn't get an answer to this; I guess no-one who saw it knew enough to advise you. Perhaps you would now educate the rest of us and tell us how it went?
Hello! I went with my gut, took the eggs out and arranged them in the same way they were in the incubator. Cleaned it out quickly, and put the eggs back in. I had to assist the first chick that hatched, the membrane was really dry. The rest popped out like popcorn! I lost the chick that pipped when the dead chick egg exploded. 😥
I am sorry for your losses.

I had a hen on eggs one time years ago, right in the middle of hatching she had some weird leaky wet butt, (not from the hatching eggs) got all over the hatched chicks, I had to take the chicks away and wash'm. I gave them to a different broody.
Hello! I went with my gut, took the eggs out and arranged them in the same way they were in the incubator. Cleaned it out quickly, and put the eggs back in. I had to assist the first chick that hatched, the membrane was really dry. The rest popped out like popcorn! I lost the chick that pipped when the dead chick egg exploded. 😥
thanks, that's good to know. It was really unlucky for the one chick, but all the rest made it, and I imagine it could have been a lot worse if you hadn't noticed or acted as soon as you did.
I am sorry for your losses.

I had a hen on eggs one time years ago, right in the middle of hatching she had some weird leaky wet butt, (not from the hatching eggs) got all over the hatched chicks, I had to take the chicks away and wash'm. I gave them to a different broody.
Thank you!

It's so weird how these things happen. I'm glad you saw that and were able to clean them up!
thanks, that's good to know. It was really unlucky for the one chick, but all the rest made it, and I imagine it could have been a lot worse if you hadn't noticed or acted as soon as you did.
Yes, I had heard a pop a little bit before but I couldn't figure out where it was coming from. Then I looked in the incubator to see if there were any pips and that's when I saw the busted egg. It was so sad, the chick was fully formed and had almost absorbed all the yolk. It was a little RIR mix. And the other egg I lost was a little OE mix.

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