Rotten egg


May 18, 2020
Northern Ohio
I noticed a bad smell in the incubator this afternoon and traced it to an egg with small droplets on its surface. I don't believe any drops went from the egg into the water channels, but it is humid inside an incubator so I don't know if that really matters. I took it outside and let it fall to the ground, where it exploded with a pop.

I'm on day 17. The rotten egg didn't explode inside the incubator, but I'm worried what effect it's presence might have had on the others. How worried should I be?

I was going to candle them again tonight, and transfer them to another incubator since I just cleaned that one. Or should I leave them in there as a case of "damage already done"?
I think the remaining eggs will be fine, you can move them if it would make you feel better though(I might if I had the option). It won't hurt them at all.
They spent 17 days with it, I figure of they were exposed to anything then moving them wouldn't help.

I was thinking about it because some of them were shipped eggs, and it'd be a shame to have them go to waste. But we got some shipped lavender Guinea eggs yesterday, so I put those in the incubator I'd just cleaned. Might as well give those eggs a clean start.

So the incubator with the rotten egg has 8 shipped Jersey Giant eggs (from an initial 14) and 3 eggs of our own... they went 8nto lockdownthis morning. The other has 12 shipped lavender Guinea eggs and 10 of our pearl Guinea eggs, just started.
Because I didn't see any follow up to similar threads when I was panic searching...

Of the 10 eggs in the incubator (I miscounted earlier), 9 hatched. The one that didn't was a shipped egg, and it's occupant made it close to the finish line, but never absorbed it's yolk. It seems like the rotten egg didn't effect the others.

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