Rouen duck breeding


9 Years
Mar 13, 2015
North Central Arkansas
I got 2 Rouen ducks from Cackle last year in a surprise box. One male and one female. She has built a nest and laid 16 eggs and counting. They are both very protective and try to chase us out of the duck pen. Her nest is in the duck house. She does not appear to be sitting on them yet. What are the chances she will hatch them out?
I don't think that Rouen in general are a broody breed, but I don't have that much experience with them. Hopefully someone more familiar can help out.
I don't think that Rouen in general are a broody breed, but I don't have that much experience with them. Hopefully someone more familiar can help out.
Okay so I took her eggs and put them in the in the incubator. We are on day 28. Put in lock down on day 25 no sign of movement or pipping. The all candled like they were developing. Good new she has been laying like crazy and is now sitting on the eggs. So if the incubator group doesn't hatch maybe she will hatch out some.
Okay so I took her eggs and put them in the in the incubator. We are on day 28. Put in lock down on day 25 no sign of movement or pipping. The all candled like they were developing. Good new she has been laying like crazy and is now sitting on the eggs. So if the incubator group doesn't hatch maybe she will hatch out some.
What day did you put them in? 3/16-4/13 is exactly 28 days, or did you put them in late when others commented as well?

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