Rouen duck lays at 15 weeks? need I.D. help


Pheasant Obsessed
11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
The Sticks, Vermont
I think my Rouen duck popped out her first egg today it is about twice the size of a large chicken egg. Any descriptions or pics of ROUEN duck eggs would be helpful....
Hey, there you are!

Found this picture..


From left to right: chicken egg, muscovie egg, and the last 2 are rouen eggs.

And yes if they have a waxier feeling, most likely a duck egg.
Ok thanks!
The only thing that throws me off is that it is the same color as my Red Sex-Link eggs.
Should I look for a different yolk color or something?
If you crack it ipen you can usually just tell by how the egg brakes . Well at least i can the shell sticks together more instead of falling apart like a chicken egg does

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