Rouen Duck thread

Hello I am new. I have 2 rouen ducks that are 4 weeks old. I would like to see what everyone has come up with for the feed and water. I can tell this is going to be MESSY! I am keeping them with 12 baby chickens right now since they are the same age. Can they all live together in the same coop?

Yes they can just be careful if you end up with males as the male chickens will try to mate with the female ducks and vis versa. There are a few different ways people have water and food set up if you search duckling waterer you should find a couple threads on it.
Yes they can just be careful if you end up with males as the male chickens will try to mate with the female ducks and vis versa. There are a few different ways people have water and food set up if you search duckling waterer you should find a couple threads on it.
The thing about ducks .... is that WAter is an Experiential thing to them. They have to absorb it, play in it, drink it, talk about it, do art about it ... then drink it. Water is it. And Mud. Mud too. They only stop briefly to clean and preen, maybe a short nap, and then start all over again.

My ducks (four) share a coup with my chickens (three ~ soon to be eight) and they all call it home. But, the chickens are disgusted with the ducks, and they go separate ways during the day. They free range, but in winter, having to share the same heated Water bowl/bath was pushing their limits of common decency.

I separate my coup so that the ducks have half and chickens the other half. I also elevate the food and water for the chickens so they don;t have to drink duck water.

This winter I will either bing the chickens into my barn for the winter or run separate lines to heat the two different water dishes.

They can ilve happily together, especially if you raise everything for the chickens.
My 5 month Rouen started laying eggs every day. Then she stopped and did not have an egg for a few days. Then she had an egg it's very inconsistent. I got an egg this morning with lots of blood. I am concerned because we recently got a 2 month old khaki Campbell and they are sharing a cage, could this be stressing my Rouen out. I have had my Rouen since she was 2 weeks old she lived in the house in a large cage. Since we got the Campbell we had to put them out side on the inclosed porch. My Rouen thinks I am it's mother she follows my everywhere the
Campbell thinks the Rouen is it's mother. I am trying to get the ducks to be happy out side in a large coop, can this happen with my Rouen being so in love with me? Is this new duckling stressing her out?
My 5 month Rouen started laying eggs every day. Then she stopped and did not have an egg for a few days. Then she had an egg it's very inconsistent. I got an egg this morning with lots of blood. I am concerned because we recently got a 2 month old khaki Campbell and they are sharing a cage, could this be stressing my Rouen out. I have had my Rouen since she was 2 weeks old she lived in the house in a large cage. Since we got the Campbell we had to put them out side on the inclosed porch. My Rouen thinks I am it's mother she follows my everywhere the
Campbell thinks the Rouen is it's mother. I am trying to get the ducks to be happy out side in a large coop, can this happen with my Rouen being so in love with me? Is this new duckling stressing her out?

How did you introduce them? Was it slow and gradual or did you just kinda put them together. If it wasn't slow and gradual then it might be the Campbell is stressing her out. Although it's hard to say for sure. She could be having an egg laying problem. When she stopped laying is that when you introduced the Campbell or was it before? If it was before she might have something going wrong internally. If it was after I'd separate them and see if she returns to egg laying like she was. Eventually they will be used to wherever you want them to be but it will take time especially since she has spent her life inside with you. You should bring her outside everyday for a few hours and get her used to what outside is like. You might need to stay out there with her so that she is comfortable. If she follows you I'd walk her around the area you want her to stay in so she can get used to her surroundings. It will take some time but if you slowly introduce her and the Campbell and her and outside then you shouldn't have a problem. Feeding them at the same time out of the same bowl is a good way to get them associated with each other. Also feeding them treats together is good too. They will associate that happy feeling with the other duck and it will help them to make a friendly bond faster. I'm not sure why your Campbell is bigger than your Rouen as that shouldn't be the case at all. Campbells only weigh about 3-5 pounds with 5 pounds being on the heavy side. If your Campbell weighs more than that there's a good chance that it is a mixed breed.
How did you introduce them? Was it slow and gradual or did you just kinda put them together. If it wasn't slow and gradual then it might be the Campbell is stressing her out. Although it's hard to say for sure. She could be having an egg laying problem. When she stopped laying is that when you introduced the Campbell or was it before? If it was before she might have something going wrong internally. If it was after I'd separate them and see if she returns to egg laying like she was. Eventually they will be used to wherever you want them to be but it will take time especially since she has spent her life inside with you. You should bring her outside everyday for a few hours and get her used to what outside is like. You might need to stay out there with her so that she is comfortable. If she follows you I'd walk her around the area you want her to stay in so she can get used to her surroundings. It will take some time but if you slowly introduce her and the Campbell and her and outside then you shouldn't have a problem. Feeding them at the same time out of the same bowl is a good way to get them associated with each other. Also feeding them treats together is good too. They will associate that happy feeling with the other duck and it will help them to make a friendly bond faster. I'm not sure why your Campbell is bigger than your Rouen as that shouldn't be the case at all. Campbells only weigh about 3-5 pounds with 5 pounds being on the heavy side. If your Campbell weighs more than that there's a good chance that it is a mixed breed.

This is solid advice.. I noticed with my Rouens, they tend to be very touchy with new things.. I've been breeding and raising them for a couple decades now and they all (for the most part) seem to have that kind of personality trait.. And I've had many from different bloodlines. Every time I would introduce a new bird to the small flock that I keep.. She would immediately stop laying eggs for about 3-4 days or so.. Sometimes even up to a week. I want to say that this seems to be a breed trait.. But I'm no expert by any means.. But in my experience, it seems to be a breed trait.

Hi...hoping somebody can help. One of my 3 Rouens has been sitting excessively. When it walks, it is perpendicular to the ground (straight up and tall, like a person) and looks like it is struggling to move feet forward. Still eating and drinking but looks really thin compared to the others so evidently not getting enough. I moved them(7) from the coop to outside with the 2 month old chicks a few days ago. The other six ducks seem to be doing fine. It has been raining excessively here, as an added note.
Hi...hoping somebody can help. One of my 3 Rouens has been sitting excessively. When it walks, it is perpendicular to the ground (straight up and tall, like a person) and looks like it is struggling to move feet forward. Still eating and drinking but looks really thin compared to the others so evidently not getting enough. I moved them(7) from the coop to outside with the 2 month old chicks a few days ago. The other six ducks seem to be doing fine. It has been raining excessively here, as an added note.

Is there any cuts or bruises on it's feet? Make sure to check the bottom of it's feet too for any signs of bruising or raised areas as it could be bumble foot. How long has it been doing this? Since you moved them outside or before?

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