Rouen Duck thread

Nature they should do ok providing always have plenty of water and shade. And watch for any cacti type thorn/needles, I don't know how they would do if they tried to eat them. I raise pekins with chickens and cooped them together when I 1st started birds. By the time they were big enough to be in run with other birds the gras had been burned off by birds scratching. They did fine with shade and water.
Nature, if there is not really a lot of green over that way you can always try to grow some wheatgrass in rotation for your birds. They'll love the greens and it's good for them too!
Saw a tutorial on growing it in dollar store baskets, maybe one for every other day, that they rotate so they would always have greens for their birds in the winter months. Don't sound too bad an idea for "non-green" areas to me either. Have been thinking about doing it myself too ;)
My hen is finally laying. We got our first egg today. need to figure out the nest box for her so she stops laying in the dirt.
My Rouen drake was hit by a car today.
He's mending. Thoughts and prayers are appreciated. I administered first aid, and kept him calm.

Crazy glue

He's drinking, eating, and I just penned him in with his girls. Fingers crossed for Philip, the AMAZING Rouen drake.

I love this bird.


Hubby and I are talking fencing now.
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Quote: We have a few old square pails that DH is thinking may work. We are planning on changing up the housing they are in. Currently it is an old dog house. Want to make them a bit larger area and put the nest boxes in the one area where she laid the egg today. I think this is her first season of laying. She looked kind of odd, tilted her head and then run across the pen, leaving the egg in her wake. lol
We have a few old square pails that DH is thinking may work. We are planning on changing up the housing they are in. Currently it is an old dog house. Want to make them a bit larger area and put the nest boxes in the one area where she laid the egg today. I think this is her first season of laying. She looked kind of odd, tilted her head and then run across the pen, leaving the egg in her wake. lol 

Try it. It definitely can't hurt! And if they don't like it they will simply ignore all our hard efforts anyways. Lol
We have a few old square pails that DH is thinking may work. We are planning on changing up the housing they are in. Currently it is an old dog house. Want to make them a bit larger area and put the nest boxes in the one area where she laid the egg today. I think this is her first season of laying. She looked kind of odd, tilted her head and then run across the pen, leaving the egg in her wake. lol 

Try it. It definitely can't hurt! And if they don't like it they will simply ignore all our hard efforts anyways. Lol

No different thsn my 6 children or the 5

I am still trying to recover from some bad food I got the other day.
My Rouen drake was hit by a car today.
He's mending. Thoughts and prayers are appreciated. I administered first aid, and kept him calm.

Crazy glue

He's drinking, eating, and I just penned him in with his girls. Fingers crossed for Philip, the AMAZING Rouen drake.

I love this bird.


Hubby and I are talking fencing now.

Oh my! Prayers for Philip. I hope he has a good recovery? How are his wounds? If he has open wounds that could get dirty i'd keep him in a smaller confined area so that he can heal and wont get dirt in his wounds.

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