Rouen Duck thread

My rouen drake has recovered well :) Thanks for the prayers everyone! Emmett is up running around just fine now.
Um I belive one of my ducklings is a Rouen? Can Anyone say yay or nay rather they are actually rouen?

The one with the white crest I was told was a rouen by the people who sold it to me. The other one... Is a mystery duckling. That we are still trying to figure out.. Maybe a mudpie or something.
The second one is definetly a magpie or a Ancona

As for your first question yes it is quite possible but it could also be another type of duck with a mallard coloration

It has a really long face none of mine have ever had that long of a face lol it's kind of funny in a cute way
The second one is definetly a magpie or a Ancona

As for your first question yes it is quite possible but it could also be another type of duck with a mallard coloration

It has a really long face none of mine have ever had that long of a face lol it's kind of funny in a cute way

Yeah I was told by the woman who sold it to me that they were both Rouen but she seemed utterly confused about it all. I just took them both anyways they were to stinking cute. Once I got them home and They got clean. We noticed the others feet, and beak being multicolored.

The One with the white crest also has a very cool design around its eyes. It's almost like a picture drawing of a sun. It almost has a horse face. You know long skinny face. And beak. It's beak is starting to turn into a lighter color now. But they are both so cute and we still love them to death no matter what they are. We just need to know if when they get older before we put them outside if we need to clip their wings what not.

Both of them have become extremely cuddly, climbing in your lap and falling asleep in it making happy duckling noises when you pet them. But it has to be on their terms you cant just go up and pick them up! They gotta go climb on you. LOL

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