Rouen Duck thread

I pretty much already know who is a drake and who isn't by the time those curly tail feathers come in. Usually by 6-7 wks I can hear the difference.

I don't know about toxoplasmosis. How old is your duck and what is her normal diet@hennible? Have you picked her up and inspected her abdomen/vent area for swelling or heat? Also check out her feet. Any injuries, splinters, swelling or heat? Any excessive number of drakes that she is intentionally trying to avoid?
Ok I think I got it.
So walked in to check duck she stood up and peeped, I pulled her tail and nothing, no peep no quack, she stopped and drank on her own and dropped her head and slowly laid back down. Picking up meds from vet shortly.
Also gave her 5cc or so of water with Epsom salts, very hard to open bill to administer fluids any tricks to make that easier?
Holly duck farmer, no matting yet everyone still looks like hens, there over 12wks just growing in fight feathers. No physical injuries any where, vent looks healthy save for white/green poop stuck to surrounding feathers. Off to the vet for meds soon.
Gave her fluids, tried to feed her, no interest.
Very droopy but still drinks a little on her own, also I was told they need niacin on another thread ( I'm using a chicken grower, was using starter) so I will get some brewer yeast.
Thank you holly duck farmer.
Sorry if my post are getting confusing, new here so not always sure what ppl are referencing in their posts.... Any vet gave me baytril (antibiotic) which I give orally. Not sure if it's going to help her :(
Don't think hard wear disease very controlled environment it pen and so young not likely reproductive problem... Stress apparently covers all the symptoms... Any opinions?
No test today, I couldn't get in. Just meds...cocci usually means blood in stool so no blood vet assumed bacterial. Appointment tomorrow hopefully little duck can hold on...
Mint green runny poop still drinking, not much else has changed....
Well, live and learn. I should have acted on my instincts sooner. I assumed it was the heat causing her tired behaviour for a few days to many when in the back of my mind I new it had to be more. My little Rouen duck passed this mourning in my hands... I will find a good spot to put her in the earth by our creek.
Thanks every one for you advice and knowledge. :(

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