Rouen Duck thread

Does anyone know why my male rouen duck is missing feathers on his butt? His tail feathers hang down a little bit and the other duck is not the same
Does anyone know why my male rouen duck is missing feathers on his butt? His tail feathers hang down a little bit and the other duck is not the same
@Alexgoose123 Could one of the other ducks be pulling them out? It's molting time and my Drake looks pretty pathetic right now molting and his tail feathers are missing too he's been having so trouble with my gander. Upping the protein some while they are going through molt helps get the feathers in nice and pretty again. Good quality dog or cat kibble given as a treat helps
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Can anyone tell me why my male rouen duck is like this? Its like his breast is too heavy and its low to the ground and if he walks too fast he falls forward can anyone tell me why???
Well i made a feeder so they always have food but im worried that they might get too fat because ive seen alot of rouen ducks that are really fat and that theyre whole body drags on the ground
I can see your concern, Rouens can get really chubby. However, this guy looks like he may be too slender. Can you adjust the food for now? You may be solving a problem that does not exist.

Ducks are unique - maybe he's not one of the overeaters.

Do you know how much food he's eating per day?

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