Rouen Duck thread

I suspect that there is quite a bit of variation within a breed. For example, I occasionally read that some hatchery fowl don't have quite the laying capacity that the breed's reputation carries. I think there is some drift over time in a population.
My Rouen lady lays an egg a day. She just started withing the last month so I'm not sure if she will continue but I am pleased! We get two a day, one from our ancona and one from our Rouen.
So in my travels of picking out what breeds to add to our flock this year i researched Cayugas, Muscovies, Swedish, Runners, and Pekins to see who would do best with our Rouen hen. While reading about Rouens it says they are terrible egg layers and will max out below 100 eggs a year. Our girl started laying this spring before the chickens and has proceeded to lay an egg a day since early February. Last year was the same way with 4-6 eggs a week. Do we just have a rare specimen or are the documented facts about this bird that far off?

Both of my Rouens started laying September of last year and have rarely missed a day since. I haven't done extensive research, but I do know that I've read at least 2 different places that they are good layers. Sorry, I don't recall the actual numbers. I'd say your source is wrong.
I only have Rouen drakes (2) so I can't help you there. But if your putting another duck with your Rouen id say pekin or khaki. I have both with my Rouen (along with crested pekins, jumbo pekins, Cayuga, and mix breeds) and the pekins and KC are the best to keep with them.
My Rouens are now 4 weeks old and am wondering about cold hardiness at this age. Our temps are forecast to drop to the high 20s for two nights this weekend. Are the ducks at this age ok to be in their duck house in these temps or do I need to put them back under the light? Lows have been in the 50s here lately. Thanks for the advice
I have a drake with a swollen leg. I checked for bumble foot, nothing. His leg is not hot to the touch either. I had him separated thinking that would help heal whatever it is. Almost a week and still swollen. The snow here had just started to melt so he could of slipped. There is one young duck that he doesn't like, not sure why because I think its a female (only about 14-15 weeks old). He had been actively breeding so it could be a breeding injury. We were talking about culling him a day before this injury. Called the local farm who is the only local place that does processing and they don't start until the end of next month. Its not fair to him to go that long. So I will probably end up taking him to the vet. He is eating, drinking & pooping. Besides Epsom Salt baths is there anything else we can do?
I recently got one Rouen though it was the breed I was more interested in. For now we are calling him Leo, but if he turns out to be she we will call her Jasmine. Leo is so sweet and full of energy.

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