Rouen Duck thread

Hello! I am thinking of getting a flock of 4 and I definitely want two Pekins and now maybe two rouens? I was wondering, do rouens fly?
Rouens do not fly. However, you may think you have a Rouen and you have a mallard. That's what happened to me. If you get them from a wholesaler, they're generally mixed and they'll just put "Rouen" on the box and it's a guess. I only found out because one of my girls was smaller than the others and she flew. We had to put them in a 6 x 10 run with a chicken wire top to keep her in.

I also got four and by the first spring, the males were fighting. I had to give one male away (2 girls, 2 boys). The ratio of girls/boys is really important. You want at least 2 girls for each boy.

Enjoy them! They're the best!!!
I'm a very excited,
I will hopefully be getting a breeding trio of Rouen ducks
From one of the top breeders in Ireland and England!
I will hopefully post pictures when I get them.
I have just spoken to the poultry courier,
And he will be going up to Northern Ireland next week!
I will post pictures when I get them.

It's my first time breeding ducks.
I have ducks as pets too though.

I also have been breeding and showing chickens for a few years.
But it's my first time buying show quality ducks!

I have just spoken to the poultry courier,
And he will be going up to Northern Ireland next week!
I will post pictures when I get them.

It's my first time breeding ducks.
I have ducks as pets too though.

I also have been breeding and showing chickens for a few years.
But it's my first time buying show quality ducks!

Well I am sure you'll do fine will you be incubating or letting the females do the work if they want? Not sure if Rouens have the broody nature or not.

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