Rouen Duck thread

I think I will be incubating.
I read that Rouen ducks usually break their eggs because they,
Are so heavy.
I may just give them a go and see how it goes.
Thankfully the trio I'm getting were bred last year so they can be shown, and bred this year.
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I think I will be incubating.
I read that Rouen ducks usually break their eggs because they,
Are so heavy.
I may just give them a go and see how it goes.
Thankfully the trio I'm getting were bred last year so they can be shown, and bred this year.
I can see that Show Rouens are shaped so much different than pet quality. and being heavy they could break their eggs unless they were sitting on Muscovy eggs. May they are thick shelled. I sure look forward to seeing your trio. When you say bred does than mean the drake and females aren't together? So they aren't mating all the time like most ducks?
Hi everyone! I think I may have finally posted this in the right place...looking for some help/advice.

We're pretty new at raising ducks. We currently have 27 (mostly runners, 1 Pekin, and 2 Rouens). We got our 2 Rouens and Pekin from Rural King on a whim.

When we got Pickles, she was in a big container with Rouens, but she was the only all black duckling. We had no idea if she was for-sure Rouen, or if she got mixed in by accident.

When she grew up, she ended up looking like a very dark Rouen, but we've never been able to find a picture of a duck that looks just like her!

The duck in the back of the first picture is the one that we got at the same time and is obviously a male Rouen. The second picture is the trio fully matured. Does anyone else have a duck that looks like this? Any information would be great!
I just got the great news that,
The man who is collecting my Rouen ducks for me will be going up tomorrow morning,
And he will drop them off to me on his way back.
I am super excited!
I will post pictures on here when I get them.

Hi there.
I have my Rouens!
Hopefully I can start incubating some of their eggs if they keep laying.
I got 1 egg in the box when I took them out.
Here's some pictures of them.
They still have a bit of weighting up though.




Heartbroken, my big beautiful Rouen hen was eggbound with a prolapsed oviduct when I got home from work tonight, she was in horrible agony and I just put an end to it. It was horrible! In shock.She was my favorite duck, big boat exhibition Rouen.r.i.p. I'm sorry I didn't get home from work in time to even try to save you. :(
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