Rouen Duck thread

Can anyone help me with identifying sex of my Rouen? It is almost 6 weeks old. I have read a bunch to try and figure it out but I'm still not sure. It's bill is lightening up but it looks like a lot of females also have lighter bills. I think it is full Rouen but it came from my neighbor who has multiple breeds so it could be mixed.

Can anyone help me with identifying sex of my Rouen? It is almost 6 weeks old. I have read a bunch to try and figure it out but I'm still not sure. It's bill is lightening up but it looks like a lot of females also have lighter bills. I think it is full Rouen but it came from my neighbor who has multiple breeds so it could be mixed.

I don't see an inkling of male coloring. What's the burd sound like? So far I think girl.
I have a pair of Rouens, Khaki campbells and Welsh harlequins. The Rouens are, by far, my favorites! They have the best personalities, especially my drake. He's more like a pet than any of my ducks. They are almost ready to move outside now. I think I'll miss hearing them in the house. I won't miss the indoor mess though =)



Can anyone help me with identifying sex of my Rouen? It is almost 6 weeks old. I have read a bunch to try and figure it out but I'm still not sure. It's bill is lightening up but it looks like a lot of females also have lighter bills. I think it is full Rouen but it came from my neighbor who has multiple breeds so it could be mixed.


What kind of sounds does it make? From what I understand, that is your best indicator. My 2 Rouens are 6 weeks old, and it is very clear that have a male and a female. The female has been quacking steadily for about 2-3 weeks now,and the male still makes quiet peeping sounds. The color differences are very subtle at this point. The male's bill is becoming more yellow and there is now a very suttle (too suttle for the camera to pick up) green sheen starting on his head now that he's been molting.
Another classic male trait he has is that the tip of his tail feathers are starting to curl up a bit in the center, where as the females never do.
I hope that helps out some. I know, waiting to find out is so hard. =)
I have two 5 week olds, are they old enough to go outside yet? It's supposed to be in the mid 40's-50 at night for the next couple of weeks. They are finally starting to get wing feathers.

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