Rouen, pekin, or, khaki Campbell?


10 Years
Feb 14, 2015
ok so I have access to these three breeds and was just wondering which is best? Obviously Perkins are loudest but how loud is loud? Which is friendliest? Which is your most recommended and why?
Hi Jdc361,

I had the same problem because I grew up with them and my wife finally after many years let me get them again!

They are all really equal. It really depends on how much you imprint on them. Get a minimum of 2 though. My personal favorite is Cayuga's. They are exotic looking. They are pretty calm and quiet. Pekin ducks in my experience are by far the loudest and friendliest but don't mistake the loud as annoying they will say their piece to you and be quiet that is it. If you want eggs get all females if you just want pets get males. They are really quiet when they quack!
Hi Jdc361,

I had the same problem because I grew up with them and my wife finally after many years let me get them again!

They are all really equal. It really depends on how much you imprint on them. Get a minimum of 2 though. My personal favorite is Cayuga's. They are exotic looking. They are pretty calm and quiet. Pekin ducks in my experience are by far the loudest and friendliest but don't mistake the loud as annoying they will say their piece to you and be quiet that is it. If you want eggs get all females if you just want pets get males. They are really quiet when they quack!
Ok thanks! What about rouens and khakis?
Honestly I love them all personally! I think runners look a little funny...but are generally great layers! Rouen's are good and my Rouen flies a little,10' high by 40-50' long, enough to get on the roof. Mallards will fly a lot to the point where you need to clip wings. I have only seen Mallards and Rouen's fly though. The point being they have a better chance getting away from danger. (Not every Rouen flies though depends on that bird)
Honestly I love them all personally! I think runners look a little funny...but are generally great layers! Rouen's are good and my Rouen flies a little,10' high by 40-50' long, enough to get on the roof.  Mallards will fly a lot to the point where you need to clip wings. I have only seen Mallards and Rouen's fly though. The point being they have a better chance getting away from danger. (Not every Rouen flies though depends on that bird)
Have you ever had khakis?
Well I have all three of these breeds (plus some Cayuga and Swedish) I'd have to say my Khaki Campbell Pekin mix is Absoultly gorgeous and she's really attached to me. My pekins are fab layers and super friendly and cuddly, Rouen are so sweet and generally quite, although they chatter a lot (I only have Rouen drakes) if you can only get one of these breeds you should get rouens, quiet peacful but not shy birds. Pekins get get agressive and aren't afraid to nip you now and then but my rouens never bite to hard. Khakis are usually skittish (my other 4 are VERY skittish) but my Khaki Pekin mix is the most lovable duck ever. Hope this helped! :3 (Swedish are just hilarious to watch
mines name is Farkle and he is a hoot)

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