Rouen targeting one Pekin ducks eggs


In the Brooder
Oct 4, 2023
So it seems my Rouen (cinnamon) is eating my one Perkins (Quackster) eggs. I'm not sure why, they get Purina duck feed and have 2 bowls of oyster shells in their coop. I put wooden eggs in their coop to try to remedy the situation to no avail. She was raised with the 2 boys who share a divided coop. I am wondering if I can put her in with them for a short time to fix this issue? They don't seem to mount her but are all over my Perkins when they're together.
So it seems my Rouen (cinnamon) is eating my one Perkins (Quackster) eggs. I'm not sure why, they get Purina duck feed and have 2 bowls of oyster shells in their coop. I put wooden eggs in their coop to try to remedy the situation to no avail. She was raised with the 2 boys who share a divided coop. I am wondering if I can put her in with them for a short time to fix this issue? They don't seem to mount her but are all over my Perkins when they're together.
Worth trying but just be ready to remove her if they gang up on her. Which is pretty typical when we have 2 drake.

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