round up and birth defects, tell me something I didn't already know

I don't like the stuff. In our heavy clay soil, it does not break down as fast as they claim it will. I don't want chemicals lingering around when I do my best to go chemical free in the garden.
Yes, I am fortunate that way as I can get some organic veggies.Yes, she does understand the importance of not using chemicals(she still picks Japanese beetles off her plants by hand
).Most of my friends are that way and understand how bad the conditions are today and don't agree with it.I feel that the use of chemicals has given my son OCD,ADD and Aspergers or greatly contributed to his problems.I also blame chemicals for my DD's allergy whatever it is.When I was a kid,I don't remember so many kids having so many allergies and emotional issues.I attribute it to not only the lack of parental guidance but also to the level of chemical usage in foods,vaccinations,body sprays, name it!And to top it off...they are encouraging kids to constantly sanitize their hands! I mean,really washing was always good for my Gram and Gramp....and Gramps just passed away this year at 96! All the constant sanitizing does is create stronger strains of bacteria's and viruses and make the kids immune systems poor
Yes, I am fortunate that way as I can get some organic veggies.Yes, she does understand the importance of not using chemicals(she still picks Japanese beetles off her plants by hand
).Most of my friends are that way and understand how bad the conditions are today and don't agree with it.I feel that the use of chemicals has given my son OCD,ADD and Aspergers or greatly contributed to his problems.I also blame chemicals for my DD's allergy whatever it is.When I was a kid,I don't remember so many kids having so many allergies and emotional issues.I attribute it to not only the lack of parental guidance but also to the level of chemical usage in foods,vaccinations,body sprays, name it!And to top it off...they are encouraging kids to constantly sanitize their hands! I mean,really washing was always good for my Gram and Gramp....and Gramps just passed away this year at 96! All the constant sanitizing does is create stronger strains of bacteria's and viruses and make the kids immune systems poor

I also agree, and yet it is so hard to find any kind of soap that doesn't have anti-bacterial in it already!
My poor newborn is not going to be one of the cool kids at school. Her mom is a paranoid wack!
I know what you mean the farmers get it from all sides. There is an act that congress created called the Clean Water Air act and it tells farmers what they can do and not do pertaining to soil disturbance, field burning and for the most part controls every aspect of farming. It is a very far reaching intrusion in the guise of helping the farmer and I think it forces the farmers to go with the flow to survive. It is a shame I would rather see affordable small time fruit stands but it is cheaper for the government to control one big guy than a thousand small farmers so guess what the do? they aid big farms in putting little guys under.
From what I understand, Monsanto has been hard handling the soy bean farmers. Suing farmers that are not planting their soybeans, and claiming that they are using their product (pollen from nearby farms from GMO plants) without paying for it. These are multi-million dollar lawsuits that the farmers cannot afford, and are going under one by one.
I hate Round up. I hate chemicals in general. Unfortunately, we live in a very agricultural area, our house surrounded by fields on three sides. This year was the year of Round up ready beans. Luckily, the farmer and I have a good relationship and he calls when they will be spraying. I bring in all the laundry, shut up all the windows, and take the girls to my dad's house to spend the night. I know that the Round up stays in the soil and most likely is there far too long, but I guess it makes me feel better to know that I'm giving it plenty of time to settle before coming home.

We have dedicated the last 5 years to getting rid of as many chemicals in our home that we can. We don't use commercial cleaners at all. Vinegar, baking soda, rubbing alcohol, and lemons are the bulk of my cleaning supplies. We quit using disposable diapers. We use unscented soaps and deodorant. I refuse to use scented candles, air fresheners, etc. We have an organic garden and hunt for our meat. I can honestly say my health has never been better.

And for everyone that would love to have an organic garden, but lacks the space, know that you can grow lots of fruits and veggies in a container garden that you could sit on your front steps and some will even do well in a sunny window.
Yes, I am fortunate that way as I can get some organic veggies.Yes, she does understand the importance of not using chemicals(she still picks Japanese beetles off her plants by hand
).Most of my friends are that way and understand how bad the conditions are today and don't agree with it.I feel that the use of chemicals has given my son OCD,ADD and Aspergers or greatly contributed to his problems.I also blame chemicals for my DD's allergy whatever it is.When I was a kid,I don't remember so many kids having so many allergies and emotional issues.I attribute it to not only the lack of parental guidance but also to the level of chemical usage in foods,vaccinations,body sprays, name it!And to top it off...they are encouraging kids to constantly sanitize their hands! I mean,really washing was always good for my Gram and Gramp....and Gramps just passed away this year at 96! All the constant sanitizing does is create stronger strains of bacteria's and viruses and make the kids immune systems poor

I also agree, and yet it is so hard to find any kind of soap that doesn't have anti-bacterial in it already!
My poor newborn is not going to be one of the cool kids at school. Her mom is a paranoid wack!

Try Ivory maybe...not sure what is in it...
Homesteadmomma, do they plant different crops on different years? They cannot plant the same crop over and over or the soil will not do well, am I correct? Roundup soybeans are the only one I know about so far, not that it matters, between corn and soybeans, I'm surprised our food has any other ingredients!
I say good for you! I would want to leave the house that night as well....just until it settled.thankfully here,I have no one who uses much of anything and I am not near any big fields.I personally have not put any chemicals on the ground since I bought the house 6 years ago.The woman before me barely mowed the grass...let alone use any weed killer....anyway,she had no room for weeds because of all her garden gnomes
Thank goodness THOSE are gone...the weeds I let the geese handle!
Homesteadmomma, do they plant different crops on different years? They cannot plant the same crop over and over or the soil will not do well, am I correct? Roundup soybeans are the only one I know about so far, not that it matters, between corn and soybeans, I'm surprised our food has any other ingredients!

Looks like the chooks aren't the only ones stuck with corn

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