Royal Palm Jakes Terre Haute IN.


11 Years
Jul 6, 2008
W. Terre Haute IN.
I have 2 that I need to get rid of. I would like $18.00 a piece for them or trade both for a hen of the same breed.

Hi, I want to ask you a question, I am incubating royal palm turkey eggs at the moment. I was wondering if you have ever incubated them and what your hatch rate was? also what kind of tempermant do they have?

Thanks Nicole
Mac&cheese :

Hi, I want to ask you a question, I am incubating royal palm turkey eggs at the moment. I was wondering if you have ever incubated them and what your hatch rate was? also what kind of tempermant do they have?

Thanks Nicole

We have Royal Palms and they are wonderful.
They follow you around like the chickens and they bubble( my son said this is what it sounds like) at you like they are talking to you.
He has named some Bubbles then change when found out the sex to Mr. Bubbles and Mrs. Bubbles.
We have 1 Tom ans 3 Hens. All get along great with the meat turkeys we have had and with the other critters running around here.
We have never incubated any so can't help you there.
wish you were closer, I was just saying I would like a couple tom turkeys to hang out.

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