Rumpless Jersey Giant?


They are gorgeous, are they not ?
And sweethearts as well !
Daisy dear, have you seen the rumpless one mount ?
I have not seen him mount yet. He's still perfecting his crow and just starting to challenge my big roo (through the fence).

I did have to cut off his dangling tail feathers as they were getting full of poop. Funny enough, his name is Crusty Butt since he had the worst case of pasty butt ever as a chick. I now understand why and the name is still fitting! LOL

I'll try to get some pictures later today.
What color are his eyes? I have 2 BJG roo's. Tie has black eyes and a tail, and the best green sheen to his feathers. Suit has gold eyes and is rumpless. A lady at the small animal swap @ our tractor supply told me a name for this type, all I can recall is it starts with an A,and has a U in it.
What color are his eyes? I have 2 BJG roo's. Tie has black eyes and a tail, and the best green sheen to his feathers. Suit has gold eyes and is rumpless. A lady at the small animal swap @ our tractor supply told me a name for this type, all I can recall is it starts with an A,and has a U in it.

I know this is old, but I just came across it.
Araucana is a specific breed of rumpless chickens that lay blue eggs. Rumpless can appear in any breed on occasion. Pretty boy BTW>
Unfortunately we lost him to coyotes. I still miss him all the time. I've been looking for a good blood line of Jersey Giants to add to the group.
Sorry for your loss. I know what you mean. Coyotes not too big a problem here, but bobcats are. I have lost MANY beloved chickens to the bobcats. I have 5 acres and all my chickens are now penned in a predator proof run. It's not fair to the birds but at least they are alive.
Good luck in your search for JG. Good ones are out there, just a matter of finding them.

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