Run cover?


7 Years
Mar 9, 2012
North Carolina
What have you covered your runs with? aviary netting? hardware cloth? a tarp? fishing line zig-zagging back and forth? We finished our run yesterday and are hoping to cover it to keep the girls in and to keep the hawks out...suggestions?
My chickens stay in because they are probably too heavy and unmotivated to fly out over the 6 foot fence.

I put some crisscross strings to foil any raptors that might fancy a visit to the run. The tomato plants grew all over them, but I guess the effect is the same.

We have some large trees that probably hamper a clean run into the coop area by any flying predators, but I felt better with the strings there.

We put hardware cloth over it, rather an expensive, but hoping pretty permanent solution. That run is where the ducks and guineas are over night, they have shelter, but prefer to sleep out and about inside the enclosed run. We like it so much we want to cover our other run too!

Good luck.
Mine is covered with bird netting, although I'm considering having a tarp on one side to help keep food dry in the snow/rain.
What have you covered your runs with? aviary netting? hardware cloth? a tarp? fishing line zig-zagging back and forth? We finished our run yesterday and are hoping to cover it to keep the girls in and to keep the hawks out...suggestions?

I put my run under the deck in the utilizes space efficiently and it has done a great job of protecting the run and the birds from the weather.

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I made removable panels made out of 2x4s and corrugated steel sheets to cover mine. I wanted to keep the rain from making the run a mushy mess.
I like keeping the run dry.
We have a tarp on top of chain link.
Water and varmit proof.


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