Run size


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 31, 2011

for those of you whose chickens do not free range how much room do your chickens have?

Right now I have about 15 chickens (2 roosters) that are free range.

I would like to get another type (I'm considering Welsummer) but..I'd need to keep them separated so she can only breed with HER rooster. How much room would 2 chickens need? We have a 10 X 10 kennel w/ their coop in (that the other chickens never use) would this be enough room for 2 chickens? Would that be unfair to those chickens to keep them in "jail" while the other free range? There is no other way to stop this hen from breeding with the others.

Thank you.

10' x 10' for 2 chickens sounds like a very good amount of space to me.

My 5 hens share 110 sq ft of coop and run and they are very content.
That is a generous amount of room for two birds, or even a trio. And if that's all they've ever known (being contained), then they'll do fine with others free ranging.
10x10 is huge for 2 chickens. If it's a dog run, then you should be able to move it every so often, so they have fresh ground to be on. That way they would still be "free range" to a certain extent. Just make sure it's tall enough. If they see friends running off, they might be motivated enough to try and fly out or perch on and jump off the top rail. You might need to put some net over the top to keep them in.

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