
I'm using a 10x10x4 kennel for my run. It was given to me by our old neighbor and friend last weekend. I feel that the chain link holes are too big, so I'll be wrapping it in chicken wire for added security. I'm also using chicken wire as a cover to keep the hawks from getting my guys and gals. I'm working on it now, spent all day yesterday burying hardware cloth around the base of the hand...since I couldn't use an efficient larger tool like a mattock or big shovel...had to use a hand trowel
. Today I'll be doing the circumference of the dog kennel, both wrapping it in the chicken wire and burying the hardware cloth to prevent diggers. If I have time, I'll be covering it with the chicken wire.
Good for you! I used a dog kennel too that was actually 2 of them put together for my outside coop and chicken yard. I love 'reusing' and re purposing things rather than start with new stuff. That was a lot of work for you to do but well worth it to keep your little ones safe. Have done the same thing and it was not easy..but well worth it. I also put agrigate (sp) tiles under the coop itself to help with clean up...but also just incase some digging critter got past all other measures they can't get into the coop itself at night.
We are using the 10 x 10 dog run from TSC. We laid out wire fencing on the ground before putting the run together on top of it so that nothing should be able to dig through. We zip tied the ground wire to the run. Plastic bird mesh over the entire top and also purchased the cover for the run from TSC. Installed it over the bird mesh. Built a hen house inside the run to lock the birds up tight at bedtime. Will probably cut hardware cloth and install on the ends of the run with the peak of the cover. I do not want anything climbing over and tearing through the bird mesh. At that point the bird mesh will not serve any function but it did before we had installed the cover. We are in Georgia and have hawks owls many big red foxes as well as grey foxes possums raccoons coyotes and probably weasels. I am ;)working hard to keep our flock safe from predators. The dog run and cover were excellent investments for us. It has worked very well for us so far. We have 2 Plymouth Rocks an Orpington 3 Rhodes Island Reds and 3 white Leghorns along with the sweetest funniest little Silkie rooster. We love having chickens!!!!!!

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