Runner ducks have stopped laying


Dec 7, 2020

I have two Indian runner ducks at 11 months old who have pretty much laid an egg every day apart from the odd day here and there since late Feb.

I think at least one of them is moulting but they have both stopped. I know they stop laying when they moult, but how long does that last for and is this a normal time of year for them to moult?

We have also had magpies recently go for a few eggs and also go into the house after the pellets, could this have upset them and stopped them laying? They continued to lay for a while after the magpies appeared so I didn’t really think they were bothered about them.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Ok thanks, haven’t had an egg for about 5 or 6 days which is the longest they’d gone but wanted to know if that’s normal, and I think they’re moulting. They seem happy enough, would you expect them to eat less pellets during this period as well? That’s something else I’ve noticed.

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