Runners not laying at all!


Oct 20, 2016
Hi there, I acquired some beautiful white runners back in late June.
Due to some initial confusion I ended up with 2 drakes and 3 ducks.
I was told that they were POL but I have not had one single egg!!
I understand that in the winter laying slows down but these ladies have not started yet!!
I initially fed them growers pellets and now layers pellets supplemented by the odd handful of mixed corn and all the slugs and bugs they can find.
They have a secure house and are put away each night and get up nice and early.
Any ideas where I'm going wrong??
Thanks in advance!
Thank you for replying. They have moulted but surely they don't moult continually from June til October?
I don't give them grit but they are free to roam the garden so pick up all sorts from the ground.
Do I have the male/female ratio wrong to you think?
Have you looked around the run? Most ducks don't lay in the duck house and choose to hide them somewhere else. Look under any bushes and in any undergrowth for eggs.
How do the ducks look? Feathers missing from the backs of their necks? Too much mating can stop egg laying.

Evidence of soft eggs in the bedding?

There can be an adjustment period - some ducks adapt quickly to a new home, others take more time.

What brand of food? Might try adding a tablespoon of cat kibble to each duck's diet a few times a week...

Sounds like you are working to make sure they are doing well . . . hard to figure out sometimes.

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