Running out bugs in the free range yard


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 30, 2010
What besides bugs and seeds do young chicks eat? I put out chick starter and crumbles but they prefer to graze the yard. I just noticed that all the bugs are gone as well as my clover and burmuda grass seeds. Any ideas??
They're 5 weeks old now. They have a largish back yard to roam in and they seem constantly hungry. I have thrown some scrap food out to them but they seem like they expect it now. But they're pecking grass all day long but that doesn't seem to satisfy them for some reason. Maybe i'm overreacting.
The bugs in your yard are almost gone?? Send your chickens over to my yard! Even with chickens, it seems like there is always plenty of bugs to spare in my yard.
The brand is Arizona Feeds. It's a crumble. They have lots of it in their tray and they ignore it until almost bed time. They only want bugs and clover and grass. Im running out of all that though! Whenever I go outside they all run to me expecting something. I've bought crickets for them a couple of times and perhaps i've spoiled them. They are still growing so they're not starving or anything. I've even considered (half jokingly) packing them up for a day trip to the park!

Lady cluck, pack some bugs up and send them to me ASAP! haha
I have never known a time, no matter how very well fed, that my chickens haven't acted like they've been starved if i come out of the house with treats for them. The only chicken i've known to turn its nose up to food is a sick chicken.

The bugs and grazing in the yard is really good for them.

And crickets are great nutrition!

But if you leave them to just their feed, they will be a-ok that way too.

I also have the problem with my chickens expecting me to feed them scraps. Every time i walk out the door - or even open the door - they come running. But it's not a problem of hunger. They just know it's yummy and easy to eat what we throw out there.
I feel better then. I just get the impression that they look at me like i'm neglectful or something if I don't come bearing food. I wasn't sure they were getting what they needed from my yard and if I had to present them with specially prepared food.. Nothing like a chicken newbie I guess
Thank you all!

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