*Running with the Flood* A Warrior Cat RP~Open~

(No, BuffOrps said something about someone/something taking over his brain or something like that and it will make him act evil and not himself.)
Feathersky ran her paws across his pelt, trying to figure out if there were any physical injuries. "There's nothing wrong with him other than him being unconscious." She mewed, dumbfounded
(Ohhh okay. I didn't really understand that but now I do. Thanks for clarifying)
"Then what happened?" she asked worriedly. "He seemed to not even recognize me. He unsheathed his claws!"
She sighed. "I just hope it's not something serious..." She crouched down beside him and gently groomed his fur.
Feathersky nodded in agreement.

Bramblestar stood up abruptly and hissed at Lilyflight. His claws were unsheathed as he ran out from the medicine cat den. He bolted into his den with his fur bristled

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