Runny Poop + No Eggs = Sick Chickens?


7 Years
Jul 1, 2012
New Jersey
So ive noticed a couple of weeks ago that one of my hens was having runny poops. I didn't really think anything of it until I noticed that recently, most of my other hens have been having runny poops too. And I haven't gotten an egg out of any of them since I first noticed their runny poops. Now im thinking that they are sick. What could this be?
Really hard to say with no other symptoms. Lots of things can cause runny feces. What color is it? Foamy? Truly diarrhea?
A stop in eggs this time of year isn't unusual.
Really hard to say with no other symptoms. Lots of things can cause runny feces. What color is it? Foamy? Truly diarrhea?
A stop in eggs this time of year isn't unusual.
They don't seem to be acting any different than they normally do. The poo is normal color. Not foamy, it just looks like diarrhea.
Any indication of vent gleet?
No nothing like that. Their butts are completely clean and normal.
Any change in diet,new feed? Is diarrhea constant or comes and goes?
No new feed. It appears that it is constant for the chickens that have this problem. I see a mix of diarrhea and solid poops in the coop so there are a few chickens that don't have runny poops at all, and others that constantly have it.

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