Runny Stool need advice


In the Brooder
May 9, 2020
We are new to chicken world. We got a couple of hens a few weeks ago and another hen last weekend. The latest hen we got has a dark brown runny stool. She looks fine, eats drinks fine and is laying. But I’m concerned about the stool. The are all three in the same run but the others have a normal stool.
Do I need to be concerned?
Do I need to treat her or them with anything?
Thank you in advance.
We are new to chicken world. We got a couple of hens a few weeks ago and another hen last weekend. The latest hen we got has a dark brown runny stool. She looks fine, eats drinks fine and is laying. But I’m concerned about the stool. The are all three in the same run but the others have a normal stool.
Do I need to be concerned?
Do I need to treat her or them with anything?
Thank you in advance.
Update. I just saw the hen in question have. Normal stool. One of my other hens then had a loose brown with white cap runny stool. We did start Apple cider vinegar this week. Maybe this is all normal.

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