runt? or should i be worried....


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
This little guy hasn't really grown since we got the litter last Tuesday. The others are very active and always eating. This one mostly sleeps and hangs out by himself. Is there something wrong? Or is she just slow?
Looks like failure to thrive, but I could be wrong. Failure to thrive happens sometimes and can be due to lots of things from poor breeder flock diet to a problem during incubation to disease. It may die, but fingers crossed that it's just a slow-grower.
I had the same happens to me my little guy made it for 5 weeks but didnt grow he passed away a week ago so sad he was so cute.. hope your makes it... Fingers crossed!
My chick Pixie was smaller than his 5 flock one point he was half their size. He was the slowest to grow feathers and slowest to grow his comb and wattles.He's still smaller than the others, but he's doing just fine. It could go either way...your chick could just be a runt and turn out fine like Pixie, or like above poster said can fail to thrive. Be reassured, though, that not all the runts die. Mine didn't and he's 8 weeks old...the meanest of the bunch LOL...but the first to come running to you looking for treats :). He's the most inquisitive, and he's the fastest!

Pixie at one day old:

Here he is at 5 days old:

Two weeks can see which one he is cuz he's smallest...bottom left.

Here at 4 weeks...he's the one standing on the plate at the bottom.

Here he is on Saturday. The picture under his is my favorite cockerel Zeus. Notice the difference between them...they are the same exact age.

Bad news. Little.guy didn't make it. Came.home.and he was stiff. RIP. Others look very healthy and very active.

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