mine do. I bet it has good vitamins too. We Had A Really dry summer and now that we have a little moisture the wild rye is doing well. They love it. I think that letting them scratch around, get some air and sun, and be chickens is the best thing we can do to keep them healthy.
mine do. I bet it has good vitamins too. We Had A Really dry summer and now that we have a little moisture the wild rye is doing well. They love it. I think that letting them scratch around, get some air and sun, and be chickens is the best thing we can do to keep them healthy.
Mine do. I have set up a pallet meatie pen for my meaties which should be kicked out of the brooder anyday now probably this weekend. Well my layers fly over the top to get into their pen just to eat the rye! Needless to say hubby is alittle mad since he seeded the rye for the chickens that will not be free ranging LOL>