Oh you crazy chicken people....what am I going to get myself in to?
I have only ordered chicks from a hatchery. I have raised the br's and incubated my own from them a couple of times.
1) In looking at the buy/sell/trade hatching eggs I've noticed only pay by paypal on them.
I have heard about paypal but don't know what I'm supposed to do with it? Is there a link? Is it connected to my bank? I don't get it? How do I get hooked up?
2) When I order from someone here...what about like the immunization thingy? How do people handle that? See how well versed I am in chicken talk?
3) Say I'm looking for something like buff orps, ee's, and br? If in my mind I envision having somewhere like 4 buff orp hens and 1 roo, 3 ee hens, and 3 br hens....how do I goes about making that known? And I take it I'd need more eggs to guarantee the hatch rate and the number of hens I want....
What would be your advice to me?
4) I enjoy the bared rock hens we have...I like their temperment with my children. They are a nice bird. I have had the roo I had at one point be tempermental but he was a good flock tenderer. Right now I have a red sex link roo and he's a good flock tenderer but he's not out to get us and flog my little girls.
I was told by the hatchery last year that delaware's were a good docile bird, so I ordered them. Number one the coloring is no where near the beautiful pics I've seen of them...so that was a disappointment...hence, my curiosity in ordering from here. And the hens are so dang chatty and LOUD! I mean, I was used to my br's talking to me but NOT LIKE THESE birds. ha ha. They follow me around and get right up in my face from their perches and YELL at me. ha ha ha. You think that's funny?
And the roo well he flogs my little girls and I don't like that so he has to go.
I have a farm auction and another farm couple who want one of my roos but they will take my other tame red sex link.
So what I'm driving at...is I like the thought of colored green eggs...are the ee's a pretty cool bird to have? And I haven't had buff orps but heard they are nice and docile. What do you think?
My little girls are 7 and 3.
thanks for the info.
I have only ordered chicks from a hatchery. I have raised the br's and incubated my own from them a couple of times.
1) In looking at the buy/sell/trade hatching eggs I've noticed only pay by paypal on them.
I have heard about paypal but don't know what I'm supposed to do with it? Is there a link? Is it connected to my bank? I don't get it? How do I get hooked up?
2) When I order from someone here...what about like the immunization thingy? How do people handle that? See how well versed I am in chicken talk?
3) Say I'm looking for something like buff orps, ee's, and br? If in my mind I envision having somewhere like 4 buff orp hens and 1 roo, 3 ee hens, and 3 br hens....how do I goes about making that known? And I take it I'd need more eggs to guarantee the hatch rate and the number of hens I want....
What would be your advice to me?
4) I enjoy the bared rock hens we have...I like their temperment with my children. They are a nice bird. I have had the roo I had at one point be tempermental but he was a good flock tenderer. Right now I have a red sex link roo and he's a good flock tenderer but he's not out to get us and flog my little girls.
I was told by the hatchery last year that delaware's were a good docile bird, so I ordered them. Number one the coloring is no where near the beautiful pics I've seen of them...so that was a disappointment...hence, my curiosity in ordering from here. And the hens are so dang chatty and LOUD! I mean, I was used to my br's talking to me but NOT LIKE THESE birds. ha ha. They follow me around and get right up in my face from their perches and YELL at me. ha ha ha. You think that's funny?
And the roo well he flogs my little girls and I don't like that so he has to go.
I have a farm auction and another farm couple who want one of my roos but they will take my other tame red sex link.
So what I'm driving at...is I like the thought of colored green eggs...are the ee's a pretty cool bird to have? And I haven't had buff orps but heard they are nice and docile. What do you think?
My little girls are 7 and 3.
thanks for the info.