sablepoot- anyone have?????

There is also an American Bantam Association if you contact them they should be able to point you in the right direction.

Edited: This person reviewed Booted Bantams on a website if you contact her, she might or know someone who might have eggs, chicks or poultry for sale. It is a recent review so there is a good chance that this person is still contactable.
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I just came across the sablepoot online and i think i am in love, but everything i looked into was in the UK is there anyone here in the US or on byc that would maybe have some hatching eggs? I am particularly interested in the gold mille fleurs, or silver? Can anybody help me out with where or who as them here in the US, or even better in utah.Thanks for the help. O and i wouldnt mind some info about them either, personality, characteristics, are they ok to mix with heavy/large breeds?
I breed both gold and silver sablepoots, I am from the UK. Sablepoots are a very friendly bird and they really bond with the people that have them. I have hatching eggs for sale £10 for 6. U can put them in with larger birds but they like to stay in groups of there own is a pic of a gold and a silver sablepoot, last years birds

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