Sad.. had to put a turken down:(


The Enabler
15 Years
Feb 4, 2007
i had a turken that had some inner stuff pushed out.. It was only a couple weeks old. i tried to gently push it back in.. put prep h on it.. but as it sleeps it came back out. if it's a hen i didn't want it to have problems laying eggs later. and if it's a rooster, i don't want it to suffer needlessly.

I know there is probably something i could have done.. but, i just don't really have the time. i work 40 hours a week, commuting back and forth my children. I know.. a lot of people do.. but i feel overwhelmed and can't deal with a handicap chick. and the worst part is.. i only had two full nakey nekcs hatch
and now i had to cull one.
i cried. i bawled like a little baby. did i do the right thing? it didn't look like a prolapse, it looked like an intestine hanging out but it just ended.. im not sure what insides are supposed to really look like. i have culled before but i when culling, i have a good reason, or when they are so new i haven't fallen in love with them totally yet..

so i feel awful. i still am crying.. and i still feel broken inside.

i hope i did the right thing.
it's been a rough day. thanks for the hugs.. i could use them at this point. maybe ill have to buy more eggs from the same person i bought from before. i just hate the disappointment i had. oh well.

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