Sad: Our Roo Is Going Back...


15 Years
Mar 19, 2008
Scenic Jackson New Jersey
Where he came from - he's been getting too aggressive with my wife.

Of all people he picks on her, she does most of the feeding and care of the coop (always when they are out). I love my wife and she's a real gentle soul. After work she's out there in sandals taking care of them and the rooster wastes no time running up to her feet real aggressive like. The last couple days he's tried pecking at her. I tell her she needs to wear shoes and be more aware of what he's doing (and she's doing too) but that's not her style (bless her heart folks she's the apple of my eye)...

It's just too much. I can see why folks have roosters and why some don't. We have cats and they're outside all the time too, chasing birds and being cats. BUT they're real good about leaving the chickens alone - the rooster though is so protective I'm afraid he'll rip into one of the cats when they're not even doing anything.

My wife is upset, but I don't think she sees this little guy is working up to hurting her. I gotta go get one of the people that gave him to us to help me get him. I have all them in the coop until this is over (cats in the house too)...

Wish me luck...

Please don't judge all roosters by this aggressive one. Some are this way, but most are not aggressive towards people. I would suggest getting a very young one, and raising it yourself, so it is more used to you. They are nice to have around, I personally love to hear them crow.
I don't know how long you've had him and whether he might just be rattled, trying to settle in and assert his territory, feeling like he must protect the hens from every thing and or if he's been this way for quite some time. Have you guys tried just gently holding him for awhile each day and then rewarding with a treat? (if he's hard to catch I would do this first thing in the morning or at bedtime, when they're confined....)
I've had luck with such gentle huggable roos. Never had a problem with my roos or hens and my cats - generally they will not hurt each other, though I would not leave young chicks out with cats - some things are just too tempting!
Sorry you are having a bad experience so far.
My hens and rooster see bare feet as something worth trying to eat....I don't think of it as necessarily aggressive...I just shoo them with my foot if they peck too much.
Guess your wife should think if shooing the rooster off with shoes is better than send him back to an unknown fate (dinner??)
Thanks for all the input.

I had someone from the nursery we got him at help me get him in a carrier. He's back at the nursery now working on fitting in. He would see my wife and come right after her - it is hard to describe. I am sure many of you have great luck with roosters, we had NO success ever touching him or getting to hold him. I spoiled him with more food treats (I am Cordon Bleu trained and cooked up great meals for him)... I think it will work out. Perhaps in the future we can get a young rooster and hold and raise him so he sees me and the wife as parents...

It will be a little quiet but calmer here now.

I've found the best roosters are hand raised and handled every day. My Hotwing was the sweetest boy. I had him from an egg, and when he hatched, I handled him and his hatch mate all the time. He NEVER showed any aggression and he was great to his ladies.
Maybe if you get another batch of chicks, buy a rooster, also.
I hate that you had to send him back. It's obvious that you and your wife cared for him. I have 9 nine week old roo's that we've raised since they were a day old. They are so sweet now, and most will let my 2 year old pick them up. I would hate to have to get rid of one in the future due to it turning aggressive. Enjoy the quiet now & hopefully in the future you will find a sweetie to crow in your yard again.
I drove by the nursery on the way to and back from taking my wife lunch. I could see Kingfish already back out in the big front yard doing his job - he was and is again 2nd string to this BIG Rhode Island Red, but the Red needs Kingfish's help managing the large flock they have there...

Nan and I were talking - many years ago she too raised some roosters from Day One and as adults she could pick the up, lay them on their backs and scratch the underside of their chins and they'd go to sleep... We will miss the Rooster crowing and I am sure some day we'll get a batch of baby roo's and repeat what you and my Nan spoke of so sweetly.

I DO NOT JUDGE roosters by what happened to us, I see them as a part of God's Plan and we just need to raise and spoil our own...

One thing I read about in another thread this morning and saw first hand is how the chickens fight for the pecking order. The above mentioned Rhode Island Red and a beautiful Buff Orphington have babies, must be about 4 1/2 weeks old, out in the yard with them. Real sweethearts. BUT I saw the babies already butting chests against each other - trying to settle the pecking order real early on. The rooster thing, the pecking order thing - they're all part of the big picture... What a joy having them with us.

I got both my big roosters at just under a year old. One is a salmon faverolle and so sweet that he won't even defend himself against the pecking of the hens. The other is a speckles sussex and we are currently working with him on who is boss. The faverolle has never even given us pause to think about him being dangerous, he's just a nice guy. The sussex has to be watched at all times right now because we are still working with him, but I don't think that I will ever completely trust him because his demeanor lets you know that about him. Just know that all chickens, breeds and roosters have different personalities and qualities. You just have to find what works for you.

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