Safe Light Bulb Recommendations


6 Years
Sep 10, 2013
South Central Wisconsin
I know there are issues with bulbs with Teflon coating. Does anyone have any specific recommendations on bulbs (non heating) to put in the coop? I want to use the safest bulb as I can, but not sure what to use to be certain there is no Teflon in them. If there are CFLs that are good, would love to hear about them also.

Would like specific suggestions. Thanks.

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Bottom line is that there is no real safe bulb to use in coops. I see that you are in Wisconsin, and while your winter temps get bad like mine do here in Oregon, I do not heat my coop in winter. Chickens do well down to around -20 degrees. Good ventilation, lots of deep bedding in the coop, straw strewn in the run for their feet, and 6-mil plastic wrapped around the entire run is the way I go. I don't ever want this to happen to me....ever....

Bottom line is that there is no real safe bulb to use in coops. I see that you are in Wisconsin, and while your winter temps get bad like mine do here in Oregon, I do not heat my coop in winter. Chickens do well down to around -20 degrees. Good ventilation, lots of deep bedding in the coop, straw strewn in the run for their feet, and 6-mil plastic wrapped around the entire run is the way I go. I don't ever want this to happen to me....ever....

They said NON HEATING bulb...geesh.
I know there are issues with bulbs with Teflon coating. Does anyone have any specific recommendations on bulbs (non heating) to put in the coop? I want to use the safest bulb as I can, but not sure what to use to be certain there is no Teflon in them. If there are CFLs that are good, would love to hear about them also.

Would like specific suggestions. Thanks.

Most bulbs with a possibly toxic coating will say something like safety coated...or safety bulb.

A regular incandescent should be fine and I don't think any CFL's have any coatings.

ETA: If you have lots of ventilation in your coop, and you should, even a coated bulb will probably not harm your birds. They get dangerous when in an enclosed space.
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Thanks, aart. That is what I was looking for. :)

iwiw60: The reason I am looking for a non heated bulb is to add extra light. My co-op is in a very shaded area, so out of 10 girls I am only getting 2-3 eggs a day right now. I have 2 girls that quit laying when we got them. They had previously been at a place that lighted them for 24/7 and we don't add any extra light during spring/summer. So, I am hoping to stimulate them to start laying after 3 months of no eggs from them. Appreciate you trying to warn me of safety issues. It is definitely a fear of mine and try to be as safe as possible.


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