Sally's GF3 thread

He's not very good with it but it should give you the idea.
The clam shell type post hole digger looks better than the single bladed one.

We might actually get some rain next Thursday. That will help a lot.
You could dump a bucket of water in the are to dig?
You could dump a bucket of water in the are to dig
I have considered that. I might do it on the last part I need to dig up. I have nearly all of what I *have* to have out of there. I need it gone so that I can plant my tomato plants and not tromp on them while I dig. Past where the tomatoes are, I'll be planting squash, and those will be farther in from the fence where the :ducbrome is coming in.
Power restoration estimate is 1:30 am, about 4.5 hours from now. No biggie at all! except... I have a brooder heat plate going with (5) one week old chicks depending on that for warmth. We're running the generator just for them.

I suppose we could have brought the brooder in by the wood stove. It's sure cranking out the heat at the moment. But I'd rather not take the chance.

I'll be watching to see when the neighbor's porch light comes on.
Well, for crying in the sink! There are 88 people without power. So, us plus 86. Looking at the Michigan outage map, and there's this teeny little spot east of Grand Rapids. Yup. That's us. Middle of nowhere, BFE. I think it's the only Consumers Energy outage in the Lower Peninsula.

Widget is broody. Her timing sucks. She was broody too early to take chicks (she would have been broody for 6 weeks before they got here), and now that they're a week old, she's starting it again.
I have great confidence the chicks will be fine, particularly if its only a few hours and they are in a conditioned space - will take a while for temps to drop in their little box.

Hopes you get power back ahead of schedule though!

and I've wet the bottom of the hole to help the post hole diggers pull dirt up when I get below 3' in depth
They usually give generous estimates. :fl

The cause is "Undetermined," so I'm curious what it might be. A farmer taking out a pole with one of their huge tractors is a possibility. It went out at 8:11, still light enough for them to be in the fields.
Ours is usually a fallen tree. The joys of having neighbors far enough away that they can't hand you a roll of toilet paper when you run out at an inconvenient moment....

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