salmon color pattern


5 Years
Apr 25, 2014
I am looking for some salmon colored bantam chickens, preferably clean legged. I am currently raising them but would like something to cross in the development of my strain. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Mongrels are a good bet, as odd as that may sound. You will find, if you go looking, plenty of mongrel banty hens with the coloration and clean legs you're after. They breed truer than you might expect on average.

Alternatively, if you get a Partridge Silkie and cross it with a black Pekin or something like that, you normally get non-silkie-feathered banty chickens with clean legs and dark red accents around the throat if they're hens, and on the neck, rump and wings if they're males. Some will be more golden than red but you may be quite surprised at how easy it can be to get total mongrels to breed quite similar traits on. I'm not even talking about cross or quarterbreds either. Gamefowl, or OEGBs, may also assist in this.

Best wishes.
Basically they are Salmon Fsverolles bantams without the beards, ear muffs and fifth toe.. Same color pattern etc.
A byc forum member named cluckadoddledoo post some pictures of what looked like salmon colored Wyandotte bantams. That is why I ended up on the site. Can't seem to contact that person. The birds picture there would be great to cross with mine as the have clean legs
Thanks for the information ! They would definitely be an out cross

I will continue to search.

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