Salmon Favorelle or Cream Legbar

When I first got mine I only had two. I got an Americana to keep them company and because I was worried they would freeze in my uninsulated coop. They did just fine :) I had a Cream Legbar but sadly a raccoon or something attacked her and it was just too severe. She died that night despite my best efforts so I never even got an egg. She was a sweet girl though.
I would have to say salmon faverolles, they are all I have now, I used to have cream legbars, pretty eggs but I found them to be flighty, the faverolles are lovely and friendly, definitely not the most agile bird but absolutely adorable, mine lay eggs throughout winter and are hardy birds plus they are beautiful to look at 😁 I have attached some pics of a few of my youngsters 🧡
Those are gorgeous.

I'd vote quality, well-bred Salmon Faverolles, not hatchery garbage. The ones I used to breed were lovely birds. I'm not a fan of the Cream Crested Legbar at all.
I would like to add one or both of these breeds to my flock next year. Can you all add your thoughts about both breeds for me?

I would also like advice about mites & feathered feet as it does make me a bit nervous.

Thanks so much!
I have a Salmon Faverolles (from Meyer hatchery), and she isn't the smartest chicken. But she is a hoot--chock full of personality, has a lot to say, and loves following me around. She's really striking looking, too. I have a mixed flock, and she's always the one visitors comment on. Fern is only six months old so she hasn't gone through a Wisconsin winter yet. It's been a pretty rainy autumn, and while she looks like a drowned rat during the rain, her feathers all seem to dry and fluff right back up quickly, even the ones on her legs.

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