Sand for quail?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 15, 2014
I am looking for an easy way to keep my quail pen cleaned. Can I just keep beach sand in the bottom of the cage 24/7 and use a kitty litter scoop to clean it out or do the quail make a major mess with that much sand? Is it bad for them to be on sand all the time? Sounds like a great idea for easy cleaning but I wanted to check with you all first.

My only concern is that it might get between their scales and cause irritation. A sand with larger grains would probably work though. They will probably use it for dust baths and kick it all over the place (if that matters to you).
Sand is fine, its amazing to watch them bathe in it, they actually "pump" the sand up through their feathers so as a pile will develop on their back, then they take off and scatter it

yes they will make a mess with it.
My only concern is that it might get between their scales and cause irritation. A sand with larger grains would probably work though. They will probably use it for dust baths and kick it all over the place (if that matters to you).

I'm scratching my head here.

I wonder why the fish on the beach dont get sand in their feathers?

On another note, I HAVE to put in a taller door, I keep bumping my head....

I'm scratching my head here.

I wonder why the fish on the beach dont get sand in their feathers?

On another note, I HAVE to put in a taller door, I keep bumping my head....

Yes, scales. The things they have covering their feet. A remnant of their reptilian ancestry.

I don't use sand for my quail for the same reason I don't use it for my snakes.
I wondered if that was what you meant, but have never heard it called scales, I dont use sand either, My birds are on wire.
Every now and then I'll put a pan of sand in each pen for them to bathe in, but not very often. its too much trouble for me they make a huge mess.

Do you raise your birds for yourself or as a food source for the snakes?

what kind of snakes do you keep?
i just put a bowl of beach sand out in the pen for them to mess around in and they love it. i use California sf beach sand though and the sand here have pretty big grains with a bunch of shells in in so it basically like the oyster shells you buy with sand in it. they like to pick out all the shells for some reason.

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