sand for run, have questions

I have playground sand (3-4") over 3-4" of gravel. We put gravel down because the whole setup is on a slight slope and we wanted water draining from uphill to pass through without getting blocked by the coop. However I think the gravel wasn't necessary and it's not ideal, as it mixes in with the sand and I end up scooping out a lot of gravel with the poop (I clean it like a giant kitty litter box) and then it goes into my compost bin. I'd rather not have a bunch of gravel in my compost bin, but that's the way it is. No biggie. Bottom line is I agree with others, playground sand is great, and you don't need the underlayment material.
Oh I'm so glad I saw this thread! I will be in the process of changing out the pebble rock gravel, NEVER USE THIS FOR A COOP, IT"S THE WORST!!, instead for sand. I was wondering about which kind of sand to use too. I have a litter box full of playground sand for my chickens to dust bathe in but it doesn't seem to dry well enough. I even drilled holes in the bottom of the litter box to help it drain. Hmm..thoughts???? Is playground sand always like that or is it becuase I have it in a litter box?
Here it is with a couple chickens in it. I have since taken one of the sawhorses out and put some large rottonish logs in it.


I also have thown some of the precompost dried leaves in there. I collect leaves that people leave by the curb and compost them throughout the year. I mix them with fresh grass clippings and kitchen scraps in a wire bin and compost them like that. I have the wire mostly to keep my doggies out of it. The bulk of the leaves are along a back fence behind the coop.

As soon as the grass dies and I'm down to dirt I'm going to rack it all up and put the landscape cloth down, then the sand. I actually already got some sand in a bag to put along the corners and back, to help support and solidify the base.

I have since put welded wire on the top and hardware cloth apron on the bottom. When we go to the mountains in a couple weeks I'm going to get some rocks to arrange around it. I want to keep the front kind of clear so I can unclip the chain link to put in the sand, or do other maintainence, the door is too narrow for a wheelbarrow.

I have already racked up old leaf debris and put in new, it wasn't that hard. I put diatomacous earth in the coop and run too.

As soon as my coops for idiots book gets here I can start on a new and better coop. It never ends does it?
I did the exact same thing for the exact same reason....for me, it was a HUGE mistake. Within a couple of days, my chickens started kicking the gravel up through the sand, making it almost impossible to scoop out. Admittedly, I don't think I put enough sand in (3-4") but now, only 4 months later, the sand is hard packed...

I will be digging my run out & starting over--with coarse, builders more playground sand for me...
I was told that you could get it at Lowes, though I haven't looked for it yet. Most people get it from some sort of quarry in their town, landscaping company, etc....its much cheaper that way. I just don't have a big enough run to necessitate getting 1/2 ton dumped in my driveway.

From what I hear, you can get 1/2 ton for like $17 if you do it that way..when you price the bags at Lowe's, they are like $3 for each 50lb bag..I spent like $50 for my run...Which is obviously ludicrous...
Thanks so much....I am going to Lowes this weekend and I will look for both types....I wish I could get a load delivered, but the local quarries charge more for the delivery than the actual item and I have a car, not a pickup or I would just get it myself!
According to my husband, the builders sand is more coarse, which helps with drainage & isn't so easy to pack down...I don't know how true that is though...

Overall, I love the sand, its easy to take care of. My chickens have never needed grit & they kick around enough of the sand that they cover their poo & it somehow magically disappears!!
I bought river sand from a local garden supply company. River sand comes with different size pebbles in it as well so also provides grit. I just put the sand down over the clay without any landscape fabric. LOVE the river sand, poop dries quickly, drains well.

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